
186 posts

Our occasional blog…

Oerol theatre festival

We had a wonderful time at the Oerol theatre festival on the Dutch island of Terschelling. The atmosphere was great, and Rob could meet some of his colleagues and enjoy what he missed last year when this all happened. It was very poignant to be there and I’m really proud […]

A year later…

It’s hard to believe that it has been a year now. Today is the day that Rob had his first surgery and our world tipped over in strange and unusual ways. Overall, although difficult, we are both enjoying life more than ever before. A message from Rob: It’s not all […]

Recent fun

We have had a lot of fun doing many small things recently. The pictures below (from bottom to top) are of a nice visit we had with Ger (Rob’s Dad) in Eindhoven in May when they went to a Philip Glass concert. As you can see, Jansen also came along […]

Rob’s Birthday and Visiting

We have had a lot of nice visiting with Dave and Ruth (Ellyn’s parents) from Chicago and  Ger (Rob’s father).  We mostly enjoyed just hanging out around the house and doing small projects in and around the house. It was really nice just to all be together and catch up […]

Photo’s from Rob’s Party

We had a wonderful time at Rob’s Welcome Home Party. Although it was delayed, it could not have been more fun. We are so happy that so many friends could join in, and it really was a memorable afternoon. We would like to thank all of you who came, and […]

Planting seeds

After a few difficult weeks, we wanted to let you know that we are doing well and celebrating life. Rob’s family is also doing well, and although everyone is sad, there is also hope in the future. Rob has been able to stand for a short amount of time unassisted. […]

Rob’s Moeder / Mother

Your spring suddenly broke, it is good so… My wife, our mother, mother-in-law and grandmother peacefully and calm, joined by us all, passed away in her 72nd life year. Her love, optimism and her perserverance will stay with us always. Eindhoven, 18 February 2010 Veldm. Montgomerylaan 147, 5612 BB Eindhoven […]

Rob’s Welkom Thuis feest

Na 7 lange maanden hebben wij beslist dat een feestje is om te vieren Rob’s terugkeer naar gezondheid, vrienden en familie. Rob’s Welkom Thuis feest zal zijn op zaterdag, 20 februari om 16:00 aan café-pension ‘t Ankertje in Andijk. Wij zijn heel gelukkig dat onze vrienden Big Al en Pim […]

Another Lap at Heliomare

Rob has decided, with my full support, that another lap at Heliomare is the best solution. We were already happier in the last week with the amount of proactive rehabilitation he has been receiving, and were even happier today with the meetings we had about plans for action. The new […]

Rob 2.0

Rob is doing great. I haven’t posted, because we have been really busy on Rob’s rehabilitation plan. Rob is slowly but steadily regaining his strength. It’s amazing to see all his improvements by the day. I am shocked by his body’s ability to heal itself – mother-nature is truly amazing […]

Rob is Tubeless!

As of Thursday night, Rob is off the feeding tube — finally! He is very happy to be free of it, and we both think it will help him tremendously in moving forward. It all happened a bit unplanned. When he arrived home on Thursday night, while taking his jacket […]

Some good news

Rob is out of quarantine (isolation) at Heliomare. Yipee!!! He is thrilled and eager to move forward with his full therapy now. Much of his therapy had been limited while in quarantine most of October, and he can finally do what he went there to do – rehabilitation. And … […]