
259 posts

Amdin and general rambler...

Wheelchair repair woman

Here I am, all excited because we finally have a wheelchair that I think I can get my head around and adjust/repair, so we don’t need to rely on others. I’ve read the manual umpteen times, checked out all the CAD drawings, swapped notes with knowledgeable people on forums, ordered […]

A little help from a “colleague”

I was having a rather stressy time earlier today. The cable company was doing some repairs and our internet was down. This used to happen quite frequently, so I have a backup ADSL account. Feeling quite smug that I had a backup, I went to connect to it, and guess […]

The travelling wheelchair

The Eagle is on it’s way If you have followed our previous post “Anyone coming near Amsterdam from New England soon?” looking for help with travelling with a wheelchair, we wanted to let you know that it is on it’s way! Our friend Johnathan was able to check-in at Boston, […]

Rob’s new standing frame

Humans were made to stand! We are really pleased with Rob’s new standing frame. It took us some time and work to get, but it was well worth the effort. He is using it 2 times a day and it is helping him to increase his balance and strength, and […]

Got the fence and garden in

It’s been busy around here. We’ve been trying to get a fence up in the back garden for about a month. It’s the other half of the fence we put up a few years back. We seem to do everything in stages. There have been a lot of delays, but […]

The swans and ducks are back

It’s so nice to see the same swan and duck families back again this year with their new broods. I’m really amazed that they want to hang out in front of our house, especially with the dogs terrorizing them. Maybe they are trying to teach their young what to stay […]

A nice long Pinksteren weekend

We had a really nice long weekend celebrating and having fun (it was Pinksteren / Pentecost).  For once, the weather aligned to give us glorious weather. We had fun sitting in our garden with friends, doing some gardening, and had a nice shrimp grill-up. Overall, we just enjoyed chilling out. […]

Rob’s 50th Birthday (extended)

Rob’s birthday on 1 May has been a series of small celebrations throughout the month. Today his assistant and friend Debby and her husband Richard came by with their kids to give him a very kind gift of one of his favourite meals — Surinamese roti. I got to enjoy […]

Jansen & Jane (4 months)

Jane and Jansen are really doing great and are so much fun. We really have some nice weather now, and Jane is busy with everything outside with Jansen. She really has a very determined personality, and want’s to do exactly what she want’s to do. While she is doing that […]

Jansen & Jane (17 weeks)

Due to high requests, actually, just one, I have added some recent videos of Jane walking Jansen on his leash at the bottom of this post. Jane and Jansen are doing great together. They are either playing or sleeping together, and so much fun to watch. Jansen is still very […]

Jansen & Jane (15 weeks)

For such a small package, Jane really manages to cause a lot of mayhem and chaos at our house. But, we are enjoying every moment of it. There is nothing like puppy antics to keep us laughing. There is nothing that misses her attention as something to rip up. We […]

Spring Roof Cleaning

We have been working on the outside of the house the last 2 years, but unfortunately, the weather never seems to cooperate to finish. We finally were able to work on the roof with the help of friends Bert (and Anneloes) and also had it professionally cleaned by Han who […]