“Change” a song from Dorette dedicated to Rob

DoretteToday we received the most beautiful song dedicated to Rob from his good friend Dorette. I’ll let her wonderful music say the rest

@http://www.pitlarson.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Change-Dorette.mp3″ volslider=”y”].

We are definitely “acting on an unknown stage”, but I do think all of those things we somtimes took for granted, flowers, clouds, birds, will all be seen differently now, for the better.

I think the core Rob has not changed — that is a great relief. I hear and see the Rob we know and love, but I think he will see the world a little different. I think his changes will be hard, but also beautiful. I’m so grateful for good family and friends to help us through it all.

P9100004Here is a picture of Rob today  enjoying life and being in the sun.  It’s life’s simple pleasures that mean the most. For the rest, we will figure out those changes…